Judy’s parents realized she may grow up facing some challenges from a very early age as her twin brother began to stand in his crib and she did not. Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Judy needed extra help learning to walk and even to chew her food. But, it wasn’t until she turned 68 years old that she discovered Therapeutic Riding could improve her balance and coordination.
Her first time on a horse was at Loudoun Therapeutic Riding 10 years ago. Judy described this first experience as intimidating at first, but she soon began to feel right at home. Judy’s balance has improved since starting Therapeutic Riding as well as the use of her hands. When Loudoun Therapeutic Riding’s 2019 Ride-a-Thon fundraiser began in August, Judy was among the very first people to sign up.
“I really want to do this [for] LTR because it has been so good to me all these years” says Judy. She began telling her neighbors about the fundraiser, as well as family and friends from her choir. Judy even made her own flyers to post at her choir’s kickoff event with a donation basket. In no time at all, she became the first 2019 Ride-a-Thon fundraiser to meet and even exceed her personal goal of $625 for Loudoun Therapeutic Riding – enough to care for a therapy horse’s hooves for 1 year!
The fall Ride-a-Thon is Loudoun Therapeutic Riding’s second largest fundraiser of the year. This year our fundraising goal is to raise $40,000 by October 26th. $40,000 will help cover the difference between our session fees and actual costs. These donations not only allow us to continue offering 8 week sessions at an affordable price, but also help us to provide 12 month scholarships to veterans suffering from PTSD so they may also experience the benefits of equine assisted activities at no cost to them or their families.
If you’d like to join the 2019 Ride-a-Thon fundraiser or donate to help us reach our goal, click here!